Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Cressida, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Cressida, in astronomy, one of the natural satellites, or moons, of Uranus. ...

corona, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)corona, luminous envelope surrounding the sun, outside the chromosphere. Its density is less than one billionth that of the earth's atmosphere. The corona is visible only at the time of totality durin...

Ganymede, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Ganymede gănˈēmēdˌ [key], in astronomy, one of the moons, or natural satellites, of Jupiter; the largest natural satellite in the solar system, it is larger than the planet Mercury. ...

Galatea, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Galatea, in astronomy, one of the natural satellites, or moons, of Neptune. ...

Andromeda, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Andromeda, in astronomy, northern constellation located to the NE of Pegasus and to the S of Cassiopeia. Its brightest star, Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae), marks the northeast corner of the Great Squar...

Venus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Venus, in astronomy, 2d planet from the sun; it is often called the evening star or morning star and is brighter than any object in the sky except the sun and the moon. Because its orbit lies between ...

Vesta, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Vesta vĕsˈtə [key], in astronomy, the fourth asteroid to be discovered. It was found in 1807 by H. Olbers. It is the third largest asteroid in size, with a diameter of c.326 mi (525 km). Its averag...

Uranus , in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Uranus yo͝orāˈnəs, yo͝orˈə– [key], in astronomy, 7th planet from the sun, at a mean distance of 1.78 billion mi (2.87 billion km), with an orbit lying between those of Saturn and Neptune; its...

Callisto, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia)Callisto kəlĭsˈtō [key], in astronomy, one of the 39 known moons, or natural satellites, of Jupiter. ...

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