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School Daze

Some schools in the U.S. are opting for later start times so students can get more sleep. By Jennie Wood Students taking a testRelated Links Tools for School…

Goodbye Mr. Chips?

New Evaluations Are Raising the Stakes for Teachers Teacher working with a student Related Links Race to the Top Official Site National Education Association…

College Planning Calendar

Just what it says: a calendar to help you plan for college, or whatever you might do after graduation. Don't worry, we've made it easy. If you're a freshman or sophomore, there's…

Tools & More

Find helpful and fun downloads and critical calendar information. You gotta have it, so click away! Tools & Downloads Need help getting organized?…

Cool Tools & Downloads

Practice tests, calendars, organizers, study aids -- it's the Download Mall! Some of the stuff here is freeware, some of it is shareware (you have to make a donation) and the rest is evaluation…

Who Am I?

That's a good question! These 11 evaluations will help you find out about yourself, your study skills, and your readiness to move ahead on your life journey (pretty corny, huh?). The fact is, the…

College and University Endowments

Sitting on a mountain of money An endowment in a type of trust or fund set aside for a particular purpose. In the case of colleges, the endowment is a fund (which perpetuates and grows over time)…