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(Encyclopedia) vanadiumvanadiumvənāˈdēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol V; at. no. 23; at. wt. 50.9415; m.p. about 1,890℃; b.p. 3,380℃; sp. gr. about 6 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, +4, or +5.…


(Encyclopedia) printer, device that reproduces text, images, or other data from a computer, digital camera, smartphone, or the like on paper or another medium. Impact printers, which mostly have been…

Minutes of the Anti-Slavery Convention of Women

List of Delegates to the Convention.Minutes. At 10 o'clock, A. M. the Convention was called to order. On the nomination of a committee, appointed at preliminary meeting, on Monday, May 14th…


A colorful world is a world of meaning because people have always used color as symbols. Here are some of the ways fashion and color have connected. The Aztecs of Mexico taught the Spanish how to…


(Encyclopedia) acaciaacaciaəkāˈshə [key], any plant of the large leguminous genus Acacia, often thorny shrubs and trees of the family Leguminosae (pulse family). Chiefly of the tropics and subtropics…


(Encyclopedia) TyreTyretīr [key], ancient city of Phoenicia, S of Sidon. It is the present-day Sur in Lebanon, a small town on a peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean from the mainland of Syria S…

Brewer's: Melicertes

(4 syl.). Son of Ino, a sea deity. Athamas imagined his wife to be a lioness, and her two sons to be lion's cubs. In his frenzy he slew one of the boys, and drove the other (named…

Brewer's: Melibeus

or Melibe. A wealthy young man, married to Prudens. One day, when Melibeus “went into the fields to play,” some of his enemies got into his house, beat his wife, and wounded his daughter…