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(Encyclopedia) pyroxylinpyroxylinpīrŏkˈsĭlĭn [key], partially nitrated cellulose (see nitrocellulose). It is used in lacquers, plastics, and artificial leathers. Pyroxylin lacquers are made by…

Hofmann, August Wilhelm von

(Encyclopedia) Hofmann, August Wilhelm vonHofmann, August Wilhelm vonouˈg&oobreve;st vĭlˈhĕlm fən hôfˈmän [key], 1818–92, German organic chemist. He was professor at the Univ. of Berlin from 1865…


(Encyclopedia) cornflower, common herb (Centaurea cyanus) of the family Asteraceae (aster family). It is a garden flower in the United States but a weed in the grainfields of Europe. It is called…


(Encyclopedia) mignonettemignonettemĭnˌyənĕtˈ [key], common name for some members of the Resedaceae, a small family of herbs and a few shrubs inhabiting arid regions. The main genus, the mignonettes…


(Encyclopedia) safflower, Eurasian thistlelike herb (Carthamus tinctorius) of the family Asteraceae (aster family). Safflower, or false saffron, has long been cultivated in S Asia and Egypt for food…


(Encyclopedia) sandalwood, name for several fragrant tropical woods, especially for Santalum album, an evergreen partially parasitic tree either native to India or introduced there centuries ago. It…

Alder, Kurt

(Encyclopedia) Alder, KurtAlder, Kurtälˈdər [key], 1902–58, German chemist, educated at Berlin and at Kiel. He was on the research staff of the Bayer Dye Works (1936–40) before becoming (1940)…


(Encyclopedia) bearberry, any plant of the northern and alpine genus Arctostaphylos of the family Ericaceae (heath family), especially A. uvaursi, a trailing evergreen sometimes cultivated as a…

sulfonic acid

(Encyclopedia) sulfonic acidsulfonic acidsəlfŏnˈĭk [key], organic compound containing the functional group RSO2OH, which consists of a sulfur atom, S, bonded to a carbon atom that may be part of a…


(Encyclopedia) litmus, organic dye usually used in the laboratory as an indicator of acidity or alkalinity (see acids and bases). Naturally pink in color, it turns blue in alkali solutions and red in…