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Brewer's: Commendation Ninepence

A bent silver ninepence, supposed to be lucky, and commonly used in the seventeenth century as a love-token, the giver or sender using these words, “From my love, to my love.” Sometimes…

February 2021 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the natural…

Chemistry: Who Invented Chemistry?

Who Invented Chemistry?ChemistryWhy Study Chemistry?Why Do We Need Chemistry?What Have I Gotten Myself Into?This Stuff Is Really Fun!Who Invented Chemistry?Succeeding Where Others Have Failed If…

Punt Returns: Football Players, Sports

Punt Returns(Minimum of 1.2 per game) ClNoYdsTDAvgAllen Rossum, Notre DameJr.15344322.93Tim Dwight, IowaJr.22417218.95James Dye, Brigham YoungSr.20352217.60Kevin Faulk, LSUSo.24375115.…

Brewer's: Cypress

(The) is a funeral tree, and was dedicated by the Romans to Pluto, because when once cut it never grows again. “Cypresse garlands are of great account at funeralls amongst the gentiler…

Batting: American League Leaders, 1999 Season

Batting Average BatGmABRHAvgTB2B3BHRRBIBBInt BB SOSBSlg Pct OBPNomar Garciaparra, BosR135532103190.357321422271045173914.603.418Derek Jeter, NYR158627134219.3493463792410291511619.552.…

Damon the Mower

Damon the Mower Heark how the Mower Damon Sung, With love of Juliana stung! While ev'ry thing did seem to paint The Scene more fit for his complaint. Like her fair Eyes the day was fair; But…

Brewer's: Grain

A knave in grain. A knave, though a rich man, or magnate. Grain means scarlet (Latin, granum, the coccus, or scarlet dye). A military vest of purple flowed Livelier than Melibean […