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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Ballad Third

by Robert Burns Ballad Second-Election DayInscription For An Altar Of IndependenceBallad Third John Bushby's Lamentation. Tune-"Babes in the Wood." 'Twas in the seventeen hunder…

Brewer's: Kendal Green

Green cloth for foresters; so called from Kendal, Westmoreland, famous at one time for this manufacture. Kendal green was the livery of Robin Hood and his followers. In Rymer's Faedera (ii…

Brewer's: Kohol

or Kohl. Russell says, “The Persian women blacken the inside of their eyelids with a powder made of black Kohol.” And others mix the Kohol's jetty dye To give that long, dark languish to…

Brewer's: Æson's Bath

Sir Thomas Browne (Religio Medici, p. 67) rationalises this into “hair-dye.” The reference is to Medea renovating Æson, father of Jason, with the juices of a concoction made of sundry…

Brewer's: John Tamson's Man

a henpecked husband: one ordered here, and ordered there and ordered everywhere. Tameson —i.e. spiritless, the slave even of a Tame-son. “`The deil's in the wife!' said Cuddie. `Dye think…

Brewer's: Blue Devils

or A fit of the blues. A fit of spleen, low spirits. Roach and Esquirol affirm, from observation, that indigo dyers are especially subject to melancholy; and that those who dye scarlet are…