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Supreme Court Decision

The 2000 election will go down in history, not only for the gridlock in Florida, but also for the way in which it split the Supreme Court, which had never before stepped in to rule on a…

Women's Suffrage: The Decisive Battle

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler The Fighting ForcesMore Victories and More DefeatsThe Decisive BattleTo even a casual observer at the close of 1916 it must have been clear…

Brewer's: Fifteen decisive Battles

(The), according to Sir E.S. Creasy, were: 1. The battle of MARATHON (Sept., 490 B.C.), when Miltiades, with 10,000 Greeks, defeated 100,000 Persians under Datis and Artaphernes. 2. The…

Supreme Court Decisions Online

The Question: Is there a place on the Web where it is possible to be alerted everyday to the decisions of the Supreme Court? The Answer: There…

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

(Encyclopedia) Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, case decided in 1978 by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court held in a closely divided decision that race could be one of the factors…

Roe v. Wade

(Encyclopedia) Roe v. Wade, case decided in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Along with Doe v. Bolton, this decision legalized abortion in the first…

Wabash Case

(Encyclopedia) Wabash Case, popular name for Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1886. The decision narrowed earlier ones (see Munn v.…

Frazier, Joe

(Encyclopedia) Frazier, Joe (William Joseph Frazier), 1944–2011, African-American boxer, b. Beaufort, S.C. Known for a brawling style and devastating left hook, “Smokin' Joe” won Olympic gold in 1964…


(Encyclopedia) arbitration, industrial, method of settling disputes between two parties by seeking and accepting the decision of a third party. Arbritration differs from mediation in that the…