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Zia ul-Haq, Mohammad

(Encyclopedia) Zia ul-Haq, Mohammad, 1924–88, Pakistani military and political leader. Named general and chief of staff by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1976, he declared martial law in July, 1977, in…

Froome, Chris

(Encyclopedia) Froome, Chris (Christopher Clive Froome), 1985– British bicycle racer, b. Nairobi, Kenya. The most dominant road cyclist of the 2010s, he turned professional in 2007 and has ridden…

U-2 incident

(Encyclopedia) U-2 incident, in U.S. and Soviet history, the events following the Soviet downing of an American U-2 high altitude reconnaissance aircraft over Soviet territory on May 1, 1960. The…


(Encyclopedia) Shanksville, borough (1990 pop. 235), Somerset co., SW Pa., on the Stonycreek River, which is spanned by an 1881 covered bridge. It is situated in an agricultural area where corn, oats…

Mattei, Enrico

(Encyclopedia) Mattei, EnricoMattei, Enricoānrēˈkō mät-tāˈ [key], 1906–62, Italian public administrator. After World War II he was given the task of dismantling the Italian Petroleum Agency, a…

Barrientos Ortuño, René

(Encyclopedia) Barrientos Ortuño, RenéBarrientos Ortuño, Renérānāˈ bär-ryānˈtōs ōrt&oomacr;ˈnyō [key], 1919–69, Bolivian political leader. Commander of the Bolivian air force, he supported the…

Rogers, James Harvey

(Encyclopedia) Rogers, James Harvey, 1886–1939, American economist, b. South Carolina, grad. Univ. of South Carolina (B.A., 1906) and Yale (B.A., 1909; Ph.D., 1916). He was professor of economics at…

Hammarskjöld, Dag

(Encyclopedia) Hammarskjöld, DagHammarskjöld, Dagdäg hämˈərshōldˌ, Swed. hämˈärshöldˈ [key], 1905–61, Swedish statesman, secretary-general of the United Nations (1953–61). He attended the…