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Brewer's: Freemasons

In the Middle Ages a guild of masons specially employed in building churches. Called “free” because exempted by several papal bulls from the laws which bore upon common craftsmen, and…

Brewer's: Joseph

(A). One not to be seduced from his continency by the severest temptation. The reference is to Joseph in Potiphar's house. (Gen. xxxix.) (See Bellerophon.) A joseph. A great coat, so…

Brewer's: Crispin

A shoemaker. St. Crispin was a shoemaker, and was therefore chosen for the patron saint of the craft. It is said that two brothers, Crispin and Crispian, born in Rome, went to Soissons, in…

Movies and Film: It's Art, Stupid!

It's Art, Stupid!Movies and FilmFrench Film HistoryIt's Art, Stupid!A Century of Cinematic SplendorBefore the WarSurfing the "New Wave"The Eighties and NinetiesTen Fabulous French Films Perhaps…

Phoenix, Ariz.

Mayor: Greg Stanton (to Jan. 2016) 2010 census population (rank): 1,445,632 (6); Male: 725,020 (50.2%); Female: 720…

interior decoration

(Encyclopedia) interior decoration, adornment of the interior of a building, public or domestic, comprising interior architecture, finishing, and furnishings. Asian and classical cultures used the…