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Brewer's: Man of the World

(A). One “knowing” in world-craft; no greenhorn. Charles Macklin brought out a comedy (1704), and Henry Mackenzie a novel (1773) with the same title. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

What Curiosity Can Tell Us About Mars

The 1 ton rover proves to be a huge success for NASA by Jennie Wood Here's one of the first images of Mars taken by NASA's Curiosity rover. Photo Credit: NASA Related Links Space…

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act I, Scene X

Scene XThe camp of the VolscesA flourish. Cornets. Enter Tullus Aufidius, bloody, with two or three SoldiersAufidiusThe town is ta'en!First Soldier'Twill be deliver'd back on good condition.…

Halloween: Witchcraft in Film, Part 4

My, Look What I've Found by Beth Rowen Related Links Halloween Trick and TreatsAll-Time Scariest MoviesInterview with a Real-Life WitchInterview with Blair Witch DirectorsBlair Witch…


What is this job like? Artists make art to express what they are feeling or thinking. They use many methods—drawing, painting, sculpting. They use an assortment of materials—different kinds…

Childcare Worker

What is this job like? Childcare workers teach and care for children while their parents are away. They make sure children are safe. They might also help them play games, do art, and read…

Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Ballad Third

by Robert Burns Ballad Second-Election DayInscription For An Altar Of IndependenceBallad Third John Bushby's Lamentation. Tune-"Babes in the Wood." 'Twas in the seventeen hunder…

Brewer's: Steam-kettles

Contemptuous name applied to vessels propelled by steam-power, whether steamers, men-of-war, or any other craft. “These steam-kettles of ours can never be depended upon. I wish we could go…

Brewer's: Wade's Boat

named Guingelot. Wade was a hero of mediaeval romance, whose adventures were a favourite theme in the sixteenth century. Mons. F. Michel has brought…

Brewer's: Wilfrid

(St.). Patron saint of bakers, being himself of the craft. (634-709.) St. Wilfrid's Needle is a narrow passage in the crypt of Ripon cathedral…