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Halloween: Witchcraft in Film, Part 3

A Little Hocus Pocus Can't Hurt, Right? by Beth Rowen Related Links Halloween Trick and TreatsAll-Time Scariest MoviesInterview with a Real-Life WitchInterview with Blair Witch…

Fast Facts on SpongeBob SquarePants

Absorb yourself in SpongeBob trivia by Holly Hartman More on SpongeBob The Science of SpongeBobQuiz: SpongeBob SquarePantsOther Cool Stuff Sea LifeSpongesFantastic Animal Facts Do…

The Common Application

by Michael Pugh, You've narrowed your choice of colleges down to seven different schools. Now comes the fun part: filling out seven different applications. This means entering…

Brewer's: Cairds

or Jockeys. Gipsy tribes. Halliwell tells us “Caird” in Northumberland = tinker, and gipsies are great menders of pots and pans. (Irish, ceard, a tinker; Welsh, cordd, art or craft.) “…

Brewer's: Clipper

A fast-sailing ship. “We shall have to catch the Aurora, and she has a name for being a clipper.” —A. C. Doyle: The Sign of Four, chap. x. She's a clipper. Said of a stylish or beautiful…

Brewer's: Rhyming to Death

The Irish at one time believed that their children and cattle could be “eybitten,” that is, bewitched by an evil eye, and that the “eybitter,” or witch could “rime” them to death. (R.Scott…

Brewer's: Severus

(St.). Patron saint of fullers, being himself of the same craft. The Wall of Severus. A stone rampart, built in 208 by the Emperor Severus, between the Tyne and the Solway. It is to the…

Brewer's: Shoemakers

The patron saints of shoemakers are St. Crispin and his brother Crispian, who supported themselves by making shoes while they preached to the people of Gaul and Britain. In compliment to…

Brewer's: Walton

An Izaak Wallon. One devoted to “the gentle craft” of angling. Izaak Walton wrote a book called The Complete Angler, or Contemplative Man's Recreation…