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king crab

(Encyclopedia) king crab: see crab; horseshoe crab.

Brewer's: Crab

(A). An ill-tempered fellow; sour as a crab-apple. To catch a crab, in rowing. (See Catch A Crab.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Crab-cartCozen A B C…


(Encyclopedia) crab, crustacean with an enlarged cephalothorax covered by a broad, flat shell called the carapace. Extending from the cephalothorax are the various appendages: five pairs of legs, the…

blue crab

(Encyclopedia) blue crab, common name for a crustacean, Callinectes sapidus, found on the S Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. The blue crab is a member of the family of swimming crabs known…


(Encyclopedia) commensalismcommensalismkəmĕnˈsəlĭzˌəm [key], relationship between members of two different species of organisms in which one individual is usually only slightly benefited, while the…

Brewer's: Catch a Crab

(To). In rowing, is to be struck with the handle of one's oar; to fall backwards. This occurs when the rower leaves his oar too long in the water before repeating the stroke. In Italian…

Brewer's: Crab-cart

The carapace of a crab. So called because it is used very commonly by children for a toy-cart. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894CrackCrab A B C D E F G…

hermit crab

(Encyclopedia) hermit crab, a crustacean distinguished from true crabs by its long, soft, spirally coiled abdomen terminating in an asymmetrically hooked tail. Most hermit crabs protect this…


(Encyclopedia) apple, any tree (and its fruit) of the genus Malus of the family Rosaceae (rose family). Apples were formerly considered species of the pear genus Pyrus, with which they share the…