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Brewer's: Salt

Flavour, smack. The salt of youth is that vigour and strong passion which then predominates. Shakespeare uses the term on several occasions for strong amorous passion. Thus Iago refers to…

2 Chronicles: 34

2 Chronicles Chapter 34 1 Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem one and thirty years. 2 And he did that which was right in the sight of…

Ezekiel: 16

Ezekiel Chapter 16 1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem;…

2013–2014 Primetime Emmy Awards

The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards were announced on August 25, 2014, in Los Angeles, Calif.Drama Series: Breaking Bad (AMC) Actor: Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad Actress: Julianna…

Hebrews: 9

Hebrews Chapter 9 1 Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the…

Joshua: 4

Joshua Chapter 4 1 And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed over Jordan, that the LORD spake unto Joshua, saying, 2 Take you twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe a…

2 Chronicles: 23

2 Chronicles Chapter 23 1 And in the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the…

The Book of Ecclesiastes: Summary

Top of Page The Book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most intriguing Bible books of the Old Testament. Written by the son of David, King Solomon, it is a part of the Hebrew Wisdom Literature that…

Brewer's: Adamastor

Adamas′tor The spirit of the stormy Cape (Good Hope), described by Camoëns in the Lusiad as a hideous phantom. According to Barreto, he was one of the giants who invaded heaven. Source:…

Brewer's: An Abraham Newland

A banknote. So called because, in the early part of the nineteenth century, none were genuine but those signed by this name. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…