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Vizcaíno, Sebastián

(Encyclopedia) Vizcaíno, SebastiánVizcaíno, Sebastiánsāvästyänˈ vēthkäēˈnō [key], c.1550–c.1628, Spanish explorer and merchant. After an unsuccessful attempt to plant a colony in Lower California (…

Zhoushan Archipelago

(Encyclopedia) Zhoushan ArchipelagoZhoushan Archipelagojō-shän [key], NE Zhejiang prov., China, in the East China Sea, at the entrance to Hangzhou Bay. It includes the main island of Zhoushan and…

North Atlantic Drift

(Encyclopedia) North Atlantic Drift, warm ocean current in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a continuation of the Gulf Stream, the merging point being at lat. 40°N and long. 60°W. Off…


(Encyclopedia) PontianakPontianakpôntēäˈnäk [key], city (1990 pop. 398,357), capital of West Kalimantan prov., W Borneo, Indonesia, at the mouth of a small stream in the Kapuas delta near the west…


(Encyclopedia) PortoferraioPortoferraiopôrˈtōfār-räˈyō [key], town (1991 pop. 11,042), Tuscany, Italy, on the north coast of Elba Island. The principal port of Elba, it handles most of the iron…

Palmer, Nathaniel Brown

(Encyclopedia) Palmer, Nathaniel Brown, 1799–1877, American sea captain and antarctic explorer, b. Stonington, Conn. While on a whaling voyage (1820–21) in the South Shetlands, he commanded the Hero…


(Encyclopedia) PamphyliaPamphyliapămfĭlˈēə [key], ancient region of S Asia Minor, on the coast between Lycia and Cilicia, in present S Turkey. Its chief cities were Attalia, Side, and Perga.…


(Encyclopedia) PelionPelionpēˈlēən [key], Gr. Pílion, mountain, 5,252 ft (1,601 m) high, N Greece, E Thessaly, on the Aegean coast. In ancient legend, the centaur Chiron lived on the mountain and the…


(Encyclopedia) Babeldaob or Babelthuap, volcanic island, 143 sq mi (370 sq km), largest island of Palau, in the W Caroline Islands, W Pacific. In 2006, Palau's capital was moved from the island of…


(Encyclopedia) SkagerrakSkagerrakskăˈgərăk [key], strait, c.150 mi (240 km) long and 85 mi (140 km) wide, between Norway and Denmark, linking the North Sea and the Baltic Sea by way of the Kattegat.…