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Camp LeJeune

(Encyclopedia) Camp LeJeuneCamp LeJeuneləzh&oomacr;nˈ [key], U.S. marine corps base, 82,969 acres (33,576 hectares), SE N.C., SE of Jacksonville; est. 1941. It is the major East Coast training…


(Encyclopedia) PhaeaciaPhaeaciafēāˈshə [key], in Greek mythology, island of Scheria (location unknown). It was inhabited by a seafaring people who were hospitable to sailors and fond of joyous,…


(Encyclopedia) SiquijorSiquijorsēkēhôrˈ [key], island (133 sq mi/344 sq km), one of the Visayan Islands, the Philippines, just off the southeast coast of Negros. Fishing is its economy's mainstay;…


(Encyclopedia) cockle, common name applied to the heart-shaped, jumping or leaping marine bivalve mollusks, belonging to the order Eulamellibranchia. The brittle shells are of uniform size, are…

Papua, province, Indonesia

(Encyclopedia) PapuaPapuapăpˈ&oomacr;ə, –y&oomacr;ə [key] or Irian JayaIrian Jayaĭrˈēän jīˈyə [key], province (2014 est pop. 3,486,000), 123,180 sq mi (319,036 sq km), Indonesia. Comprising…

Filchner, Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia) Filchner, WilhelmFilchner, Wilhelmvĭlˈhĕlm fĭlkhˈnər [key], 1877–1957, German explorer, geophysicist, and travel writer. He led several expeditions to China and Tibet, where he…

Finisterre, Cape

(Encyclopedia) Finisterre, CapeFinisterre, Capefĭnĭstârˈ [key] [Lat. finis terrae=land's end], rocky promontory, extreme NW Spain, on the Atlantic coast of Galicia. Off the cape, the English won two…

Monte Cristo

(Encyclopedia) Monte CristoMonte Cristomŏnˌtē krĭsˈtō, Ital. mônˈtā krēˈstō [key], unpopulated, rocky island, 6 sq mi (15.5 sq km), belonging to Italy, in the Tyrrhenian Sea between Corsica and the…

Broads, the

(Encyclopedia) Broads, the, region, c.5,000 acres (2,023 hectares), mainly in Norfolk, E England, extending inland to Norwich from the coast. It is composed of wide, interlocking shallow lakes (…

Carpentaria, Gulf of

(Encyclopedia) Carpentaria, Gulf ofCarpentaria, Gulf ofkärpəntârˈēə [key], arm of the Arafura Sea, 305 mi (491 km) wide and 370 mi (595 km) long, indenting the northern coast of Australia. On its…