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Brewer's: Cashier'

(2 syl.). To dismiss an officer from the army, to discard from society. (French, casser, to break; Italian, cassa'rë, to blot out; Ger. kassiren.) The ruling rogue, who dreads to be…

Myron Benjamin WRIGHT, Congress, PA (1847-1894)

WRIGHT Myron Benjamin , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born at Forest Lake, Susquehanna County, Pa., June 12, 1847; attended the common schools and pursued an academic course; taught school…

A Brief History of Checking

No one is quite sure when the first checks appeared. Some experts think the Romans may have invented the check about 352 B.C. But even if that were true, the idea apparently didn't catch on…

Brewer's: Casino

Originally, a little casa or room near a theatre, where persons might retire, after the play was over, for dancing or music. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…