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Infoplease has everything you need to know about Cameroon. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Cameroon's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture,…

Cameroon, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Cameroon, MountCameroon, Mountkămˈər&oomacr;n [key], active volcano, 13,354 ft (4,070 m) high, in the Cameroon Highlands, W Cameroon; highest point in W Africa. The mountain and…

Ahidjo, Ahmadou

(Encyclopedia) Ahidjo, AhmadouAhidjo, Ahmadouämäˈdō ähēˈj&oobreve; [key], 1924–89, president of Cameroon (1960–82). A Muslim Fulani chief's son, he served with the French during World War II.…


(Encyclopedia) BakassiBakassibäkäˈsē [key], peninsula, c.400 sq mi (1,000 sq km), E Cameroon, on the Cameroon-Nigeria border, at the SE end of the Gulf of Guinea. The swampy peninsula and associated…

Cameroon Map

Cameroon Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics Africa Map…

Cameroon, country

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Cameroon Cameroon kămˌər&oomacr;nˈ [key], Fr. Cameroun, officially Republic of Cameroon…

Cameroons, former German colony

(Encyclopedia) Cameroons, Fr. Cameroun, Ger. Kamerun, former German colony, W Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea and extending N to Lake Chad. Germany's penetration of the area began in 1884 and by 1902…


(Encyclopedia) YaoundéYaoundéyä&oomacr;ndāˈ [key], city (1990 est. pop. 750,000), capital of Cameroon. It is the country's administrative, financial, and communications center. Manufactures…


(Encyclopedia) Douala Douala d&oomacr;-äˈlə [key], city, Cameroon, on the Wuori River estuary. Cameroon's largest…

Biya, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Biya, PaulBiya, Paulbēyĕ [key], 1933–, Cameroonian political leader. Educated in Cameroon and France, where he studied at the Sorbonne and other institutions, he joined Cameroon's…