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Coach---College Soccer

Jeremy Bishop Tell us about your work- what do you do? I am involved with every aspect of running a soccer program on the collegiate level. This…

1997 News of the Nation

Ongoing Investigations Sexual HarassmentPolitical InfightingAffirmative Action SetbacksWelfare Reform Political posturing and partisan nit-picking took center stage against a stable backdrop…

The Rainbow Coalition

by Reverend Jesse Jackson Address to the Democratic Convention Thank you very much. Tonight we come together bound by our faith in a mighty God, with genuine respect and love for…

Social Security versus Tax Cuts

1999 News of the Nation In the aftermath of impeachment, angry Republicans in Congress intensified their anti-Clinton acrimony at the expense of legislation. Rabid partisanship and distrust…

February 2009 Current Events: U.S. News

World News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in United States news for the month of February, 2009. Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal Win Australian Open (Feb. 1): American Serena…