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Displaying 171 - 180

2004 Presidential Election

—Borgna Brunner In 2004, the United States' major preoccupation was the ongoing war in Iraq. Hopes that Saddam Hussein's capture in Dec. 2003 would stem the country's turmoil faded with a dramatic…

Luxembourg Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Luxembourg Index: History Government Political Conditions Economy Defense U.S. Relations HISTORYAfter 400 years of domination by various European…

Harry Is Here

And Infoplease goes to the movies Holly Hartman Monster's Poll How eager are you to see the new Harry movie? I'll see it as soon as I can. I'll wait a little while. I'll catch it on…

April 2001 News and Events

WorldSerbs Arrest Slobodan Milosevic (April 1): Former Yugoslav president held at Belgrade's Central Prison. He surrenders after receiving a guarantee of a fair trial. U.S. Plane and Chinese…

Farm Indexes, 1975–2007

(1990–1992 = 100) Find the amounts paid and received by farmers from 1975 to 2007. Year Prices paidby farmers1 Prices rec'dby…

David Safavian, 2006 News

former administrator of the federal procurement office in the White House Office of Management and Budget, was convicted in June of four counts of lying and obstructing justice in connection…

Joshua Bolten, 2006 News

government official, was elevated to White House chief of staff after the March resignation of Andy Card. Bolten was deputy chief of staff during President Bush's first term and became…

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2003 News

Austrian-born movie star and body builder, was elected governor of California in October. Voters approved the recall of Gray Davis and overwhelmingly elected Schwarzenegger over the 134…