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Wealth and Poverty: What's the Government's Role?

What's the Government's Role?Wealth and PovertyIntroductionWhat Is Poverty?Who's Got How Much?Why Incomes Are Becoming More UnequalWhat's the Government's Role?Other Aspects of Wealth and PovertyThe…

Jon Huntsman: Campaign Issues

  Where he stands   Jon Huntsman Related Links Barack Obama: Campaign Issues Campaign 2012 Closest Presidential Races Presidential Gallery Jon Huntsman’s campaign…

Brewer's: Buff

Buff is a contraction of buffle or buffalo; and buff skin is the skin of the buffalo prepared. “To stand in buff” is to stand without clothing in one's bare skin. “To strip to the buff” is…

Christmas Price Index, 2015

The true cost of Christmas in song is $155,407.18 Every year since 1984, PNC Wealth Management has calculated the cost of the gifts in the classic holiday song The Twelve Days of…

World War II Movies, Part 2

From "Schindler's List" to the summer blockbuster "Pearl Harbor" by Beth Rowen     Related Links Memorial Day Pearl Harbor Remembered Stalag 17 (1953) Source…