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Ted Cruz: Campaign Issues

Where he stands Ted Cruz, Sept. 2012Related Links Hillary Clinton: Campaign Issues Campaign 2016 Closest Presidential…


  Illinois State Information Capital: Springfield Official Name: State of Illinois Organized as a territory/republic: February 3, 1809 Entered Union (21): December 3, 1818 (21st state) Present…

Belgium Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Belgium Index: Geography and People History Government and Political Conditions Economy U.S.-Belgian Relations GEOGRAPHY AND PEOPLEBelgium is located in…

April 2017 Current Events: U.S. News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News There's always something going on in the United States, and trying to keep track of it all can be a nightmare. Luckily,…

White House Offices and Agencies

Below is a list of each White House office and agency, including the director, the role of the agency, history, and contact information. Office of…

Brewer's: Budge Bachelors

A company of men clothed in long gowns lined with budge or lambs' wool, who used to accompany the Lord Mayor of London at his inauguration. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…