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Brewer's: Budget

The statement which the Chancellor of the Exchequer lays before the House of Commons every session, respecting the national income and expenditure, taxes and salaries. The word is the old…

Federal Budget Glossary

Concise definitions of federal budget related terms by Jennie Wood Related Links Business Basics QuizThe Public DebtNobel Prize for EconomicsLabor and Employment In 2013…

The Federal Budget, 2004–2010

See breakdowns of budgets for 2004 through 2009. Data is in billions of dollars. /**/ DescriptionActual2004Actual2005Estimates20062007200820092010Receipts by source Individual…

U.S. Economy and the Federal Budget

Find information on the economic outlook in the U.S., government spending, international investment and trade, gross domestic product, consumer and producer price indexes,…

Learn How To Budget: Kids Edition!

Top of Page Source: iStockWhile schools instill in children unique knowledge that well outweighs those of most adults, children frequently miss a crucial education in financial literacy and…

Hey, Big Spender! The Federal Budget: Introduction

IntroductionHey, Big Spender! The Federal BudgetIntroductionRole of Government in a Capitalist EconomyThe Government Share of the EconomySocial Security: A Case in PointThe title—Hey, Big Spender!—…

Social Security: Who Pays for the Insurance?

Both workers and their employers pay for the workers' insurance. Self-employed persons pay their own social security contributions annually along with their income tax. The rates include the cost of…