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Fire Captain

Anonymous Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I am employed by the City of Tallahassee Fire Department . I hold the position of Fire Captain. For…

Year in Review, 2012: World News

Major World News Stories of 2012 by Beth Rowen Bashar AssadRelated Links 2012 Year in Review 2012 News of the NationScience News of 2012…

Brewer's: Behemoth

(Hebrew). The hippopotamus; once thought to be the rhinoceros. (See Job xl. 15.) Behold! in plaited mail, Behemoth rears his head. Thomson: Summer, 709, 710. The word is generally, but…

Top Oil Producers and Consumers, 2010

In 2010, Saudi Arabia ranked as the world's top oil producer. The United States, meanwhile, has the dubious honor of being the biggest consumer. Here's a look at the world's top 10 oil consumers…

Top Oil Producers and Consumers, 2011

In 2011, Saudi Arabia ranked as the world's top oil producer. The United States, meanwhile, has the dubious honor of being the biggest consumer. Here's a look at the world's top 10 oil consumers…

Entertainment News from November 1999

1The Hollywood Reporter confirms that Will Smith and Barry Sonnenfeld have agreed to put the kibosh on plans for a Muhammad Ali film. Sony plans to keep the project in development, with…