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Becoming a U.S. Citizen

The Question: What are the requirements for citizenship in the United States? The Answer: A person may become a U.S. citizen either through birth or…

How a Bill Becomes a Law

When a senator or a representative introduces a bill, he or she sends it to the clerk of his house, who gives it a number and title. This is the first reading,…

Becoming a Civil War Reenactor

With a lot of imagination, a little research, and a modest financial investment, you could begin the unique and satisfying hobby of Civil War Reenactor By Catherine McNiff…

Weather: How Do I Become a Meteorologist?

How Do I Become a Meteorologist?WeatherMaking a Career Out of ItWhat Would I Do?How Much Will I Earn?How Do I Become a Meteorologist?Will I Find a Job? All of us can become weather-wise. Regardless…

How do people become infected?

How do people become infected? Direct contact with infected poultry, or surfaces and objects contaminated by their faeces, is presently considered the main route of human infection. To date,…

Don't Become a Victim of Hurricane Relief Fraud

By Patrick Craven I know you have seen the all the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey that hit Texas, Louisiana and other states. Harvey has broken all US records when it comes to rainfall,…

Brewer's: Little Packs become a Little Pedlar

“Little boats must keep near shore, larger ones may venture more.” Mainwaring is a clever justice- In him, my lord, our only trust is- Burdett's a ratten meddler; Volks shud turn round and…