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Thomas Banks CABANISS, Congress, GA (1835-1915)

CABANISS Thomas Banks , a Representative from Georgia; born in Forsyth, Monroe County, Ga., August 31, 1835; attended private schools and Penfield College; was graduated from the University of…


(Encyclopedia) Platte, river, c.310 mi (500 km) long, formed by the confluence of the North Platte (680 mi/1,090 km long) and South Platte (430 m/690 km) rivers at North Platte, Neb. It flows…


(Encyclopedia) Ed, in the Bible, name of an altar raised on the left bank of the Jordan.


(Encyclopedia) consols, contraction of consolidated annuities, a bond issue designed to consolidate two or more outstanding issues, used in reference to British government stock. Public borrowing…

Clymer, George

(Encyclopedia) Clymer, GeorgeClymer, Georgeklīˈ mər [key], 1739–1813, American political leader, signer of the Declaration of Independence, b. Philadelphia. A prosperous merchant, he ardently…

Duisenberg, Willem Frederik

(Encyclopedia) Duisenberg, Willem Frederik, 1935–2005, Dutch banker and advocate of European monentary union. He worked (1965–69) as an economist with the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D…

Sutton, Willie

(Encyclopedia) Sutton, Willie (William Francis Sutton, Jr.), 1901–80, American bank robber, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Sutton, who committed his first serious crime at age 9, robbed his first bank in 1927,…

Takahashi, Korekiyo

(Encyclopedia) Takahashi, KorekiyoTakahashi, Korekiyokōrāˈkēō täˌkähäˈshē [key], 1854–1936, Japanese statesman and financier. Long an official of the Yokohama Specie Bank, he became its president in…

turn and bank indicator

(Encyclopedia) turn and bank indicator, aircraft instrument containing one indicator to show turning, or rotation about the vertical axis, and another to show banking, or rotation about the…

Yayi, Thomas Boni

(Encyclopedia) Yayi, Thomas Boni, 1952–, Beninois political leader, president of Benin (2006–16), b. Tchaourou. He studied at the National Univ. of Benin, in Senegal at Cheikh Anta Diop Univ., and in…