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(Encyclopedia) finance, theory and practice of conducting large public and private dealings in money. Important institutions of private finance include those that deal with insurance, banking, stocks…

African Union

(Encyclopedia) African Union (AU), international organization established in 2002 by the nations of the former Organization of African Unity (OAU). The AU is the successor organization to the OAU,…


(Encyclopedia) BergBergbĕrk [key], former duchy, W Germany, along the right bank of the Rhine River between the Ruhr and Sieg rivers. Düsseldorf was its chief city. A county in the 12th cent., Berg…


(Encyclopedia) zaibatsuzaibatsuzīˈbäts&oomacr; [key] [Jap.,=money clique], the great family-controlled banking and industrial combines of modern Japan. The leading zaibatsu (called keiretsu after…

Blum, Léon

(Encyclopedia) Blum, LéonBlum, LéonlāôNˈ bl&oobreve;m [key], 1872–1950, French Socialist leader and writer. Well established in literary circles, he entered politics during the Dreyfus Affair and…

Toledo Manrique, Alejandro

(Encyclopedia) Toledo Manrique, Alejandro, 1946–, Peruvian political leader, president of Peru (2001–6). Toledo, who has indigenous Andean roots, was born into poverty in rural Peru and grew up in…

Noguchi, Isamu

(Encyclopedia) Noguchi, IsamuNoguchi, Isamuēsäˈm&oomacr; nōg&oomacr;ˈchē [key], 1904–88, American sculptor, b. Los Angeles. The son of a Japanese poet father and an American mother, he was a…

Singh, Manmohan

(Encyclopedia) Singh, ManmohanSingh, Manmohanmänmōˈhän sĭng [key], 1932–, Indian economist and government official, prime minister of India (2004–14), b. Gah, West Punjab. Educated at the…


(Encyclopedia) Nur-SultanNur-Sultann&oobreve;r-s&oobreve;ltänˈ [key], formerly AstanaAstanaästäˈnä [key], city (2008 est. pop. 600,000), capital of Kazakhstan, in central Kazakhstan on the…


(Encyclopedia) QumranQumrank&oomacr;mränˈ [key], ancient village on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, in what is now the Israeli-occupied West Bank. It is famous for its caves, in some of…