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Frankfurt an der Oder

(Encyclopedia) Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt an der Oder frängkˈf&oobreve;rt [key]…


(Encyclopedia) MontmartreMontmartremôNmärˈtrə [key] [Fr.,=hill of the martyrs], hill in Paris, on the right bank of the Seine River. The highest point of Paris, it is topped by the Church of Sacré-…

Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich

(Encyclopedia) Bulganin, Nikolai AleksandrovichBulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovichnyĭkəlīˈ əlyĭksänˈdrəvĭch b&oobreve;lgäˈnyĭn [key], 1895–1975, Soviet military and political leader. He held posts…

Casey, William Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Casey, William Joseph, 1913–87, American public official, b. New York City. After graduating from Fordham (B.S., 1934) he obtained a law degree from St. Johns Univ. (1937). During…

Burroughs, John

(Encyclopedia) Burroughs, John, 1837–1921, American naturalist and author, b. Roxbury, N.Y.; son of a farmer. He was a journalist, a treasury clerk in Washington, and a bank examiner, before settling…

Summers, Lawrence Henry

(Encyclopedia) Summers, Lawrence Henry, 1954–, U.S. economist, government official, and educator, b. New Haven, Conn. Educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard, he…

Vance, Cyrus Roberts

(Encyclopedia) Vance, Cyrus Roberts, 1917–2002, U.S. secretary of state (1977–80), b. Clarksburg, W.Va., grad. Yale (B.A., 1939, LL.B., 1942). After seeing action in the Navy during World War II,…

Tower of London

(Encyclopedia) Tower of London, ancient fortress in London, England, just east of the City and on the north bank of the Thames, covering about 13 acres (5.3 hectares). Now used mainly as a museum, it…


(Encyclopedia) SchaffhausenSchaffhausenshäfhouˈzən [key], canton (1993 pop. 73,000), 115 sq mi (298 sq km), N Switzerland. Entirely on the right (northern) bank of the Rhine River, the canton…

Organization of Islamic Cooperation

(Encyclopedia) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), international organization of 57 countries whose inhabitants are mainly Muslim, est. 1969 as the Organization of the Islamic Conference,…