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Basie, Count

(Encyclopedia) Basie, Count (William Basie)Basie, Countbāˈsē [key], 1904–84, American jazz pianist, bandleader, and composer, b. Red Bank, N.J. After working in dance halls and vaudeville in New York…


(Encyclopedia) Taanach or TanachTaanachtāˈənăk, tāˈnăk [key], in the Bible, royal city of Canaan, central ancient Palestine, the modern Tell Ti'innik, West Bank, SE of Megiddo. Sisera was defeated…

McKenna, Reginald

(Encyclopedia) McKenna, Reginald, 1863–1943, British politician and banker. Elected to Parliament as a Liberal in 1895, he entered the cabinet as president of the board of education in 1907. As first…

Luxembourg Palace

(Encyclopedia) Luxembourg Palace, large Renaissance palace in Paris, on the left bank of the Seine near the Sorbonne. It was built (1615–20) for Marie de' Medici by Salomon de Brosse on the site of a…

Modigliani, Franco

(Encyclopedia) Modigliani, Franco, 1918–2003, American economist, b. Rome. Jewish, antifascist, and trained as a lawyer, he fled Mussolini's Italy in 1938, settling in the United States in 1939,…

Mount Stephen, George Stephen, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Mount Stephen, George Stephen, 1st Baron, 1829–1921, Canadian financier and railroad builder, b. Scotland. He emigrated to Canada in 1850, became a manufacturer, and was (1876–81)…


(Encyclopedia) MykolayivMykolayivmēˌkəläˈyĭf [key], Rus. Nikolayev, city (1991 est. pop. 511,000), capital of Mykolayiv region, S Ukraine, at the confluence of the Buh and Inhul rivers and on the…


(Encyclopedia) ChigirinChigirinchĭgĭrēnˈ [key], Ukr. Chyhyryn, city, central Ukraine, on the Tyasmin River, a tributary of the Dnieper. Founded in 1589 as a fortress, Chigirin served as the residence…

Drewry's Bluff

(Encyclopedia) Drewry's BluffDrewry's Bluffdr&oobreve;rˈēz [key], high ground on the southern bank of the James River, E Va., S of Richmond; scene of two engagements in the Civil War. On May 15,…

Heckscher, Eli Filip

(Encyclopedia) Heckscher, Eli FilipHeckscher, Eli Filipĕˈlē fĭlˈĭp hĕkˈshər [key], 1879–1952, Swedish economic historian. Influenced by the neoclassical economics of Alfred Marshall, Heckscher…