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(Encyclopedia) HanyangHanyanghän-yäng [key], former city, now part (since 1950) of the Wuhan conurbation, E Hubei prov., China, on the right bank of the Han River at its junction with the Chang. It…


(Encyclopedia) BillingsgateBillingsgatebĭlˈĭngzgĭt, –gāt [key], wharf and fish market, London, England, on the north bank of the Thames River. The market was named after a river gate in the old city…

Bar, Confederation of

(Encyclopedia) Bar, Confederation of, union formed in 1768 at Bar, in Podolia (now in W Ukraine), by a number of Polish nobles to oppose the interference of Catherine II of Russia in Polish affairs.…

Krasnoyarsk Territory

(Encyclopedia) Krasnoyarsk Territory, administrative division (1989 pop. 3,595,000), c.928,000 sq mi (2,403,520 sq km), central Siberian Russia, extending from the Sayan Mts. and the Minusinsk basin…

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 1891–1967, American cabinet officer, b. New York City; son of Henry Morgenthau. He became interested in agriculture and bought a farm in Dutchess co., N.Y.,…


(Encyclopedia) MannheimMannheimmänˈhīm [key], city (1994 pop. 318,025), Baden-Württemberg, W central Germany, on the right bank of the Rhine River and at the mouth of the Neckar River. A bridge…


(Encyclopedia) ejidoejidoāhēˈᵺō [key] [Span.,=common land], in Mexico, agricultural land expropriated from large private holdings and redistributed to communal farms. Communal ownership of land had…


(Encyclopedia) Saint-Germain-des-PrésSaint-Germain-des-PréssăN-zhĕrmăNˈ-dā-prā [key], historic abbey and church of Paris, on the left bank of the Seine. It was founded (6th cent.) by Childebert I;…


(Encyclopedia) RensselaerRensselaerrĕnsəlērˈ, rĕnˈsələr [key], city (1990 pop. 8,255), Rensselaer co., E N.Y., on the east bank of the Hudson River opposite Albany; settled 1630 by Dutch, inc. 1897.…

McLane, Louis

(Encyclopedia) McLane, Louis, 1786–1857, American statesman, b. Smyrna, Del. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1817–27) and in the Senate (1827–29), resigning to become minister to…