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Kary Banks Mullis

Kary Banks MullisBorn: 1944Birthplace: North Carolina PCR, Polymerase chain reaction—Mullis invented PCR, the process for amplifying nucleic acids, in 1993 while at Cetus Corporation. PCR…

Bank of England

(Encyclopedia) Bank of England, central bank and note-issuing institution of Great Britain. Popularly known as the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, its main office stands on the street of that name…

Bank of the United States

(Encyclopedia) Bank of the United States, name for two national banks established by the U.S. Congress to serve as government fiscal agents and as depositories for federal funds; the first bank was…

Grameen Bank

(Encyclopedia) Grameen Bank: see Yunus, Muhammad.

Dogger Bank

(Encyclopedia) Dogger BankDogger Bankdôˈgər, dŏˈ– [key], extensive sandbank, c.6,800 sq mi (17,610 sq km), central North Sea, between Great Britain and Denmark. Covered by shallow water (c.55–120 ft/…

eye bank

(Encyclopedia) eye bank, site for the collection, processing, and assignment of donated eyes. A donor's eyes are removed as soon as possible after death, sealed in a sterile container, and sent to…

blood bank

(Encyclopedia) blood bank, site or mobile unit for collecting, processing, typing, and storing whole blood, blood plasma and other blood constituents. Most hospitals maintain their own blood reserves…

World Bank

(Encyclopedia) World Bank: see International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

West Bank

(Encyclopedia) West Bank, territory, formerly part of Palestine, after 1949 administered by Jordan, since 1967 largely occupied by Israel (2005 est. pop. 2,386,000), 2,165 sq mi (5,607 sq km), west…