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Brewer's: Chabouk

(See Chibouque , p. 245.) Chabouk or Chabuk. A long whip, or the application of whips and rods; a Persian and Chinese punishment. (Dubois.) “Drag forward that fakir, and cut his robe…

The Supreme Court: Saving Wetlands

Saving WetlandsThe Supreme CourtDeciding Property RightsProtecting Land and HomeSaving WetlandsProtecting Patents, Copyrights and TrademarksTrademark for Sex Shop Anthony Palazzolo owned…

Terms of Use (Revised 1/2016)

Agreement with Terms and Conditions: This agreement ("Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions that apply to you ("Visitor"), an individual accessing the family of websites ("FEN Sites") of…

James Winthrop: Agrippa IV

Agrippa IVJames Winthrop3 December 1787by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.Having considered some of the principal advantages of the happy form of government under which it is our…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 3, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 2, 1806June 4, 1806June 3, 1806 Tuesday June 3rd 1806. Our invalids are all on the recovery; Bratton is much stronger and can walk about…

What Is Feng Shui?

The classical Chinese system for seeking harmony by David Johnson When to Feng Shui? According to the website of the Way Geomancy Pte. LTD, a Singapore consulting firm, a feng shui…

Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets

Transliteration of Oriental AlphabetsThe system of transcribing Oriental words with Roman types, adopted by the translators of the Sacred Books of the East, is, on the whole, the same which I…