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(Encyclopedia) carnivorecarnivorekärˈnəvôrˌ [key], term commonly applied to any animal whose diet consists wholly or largely of animal matter. In animal systematics it refers to members of the…

Punctuation: The Colon: What a Party Animal

The Colon: What a Party AnimalPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the…

Ask the Editors: Animal Group Terminology

The Question: I am looking for a list of words for "plurals" of animals, i.e. a "pack" of wolves or a "flock" of seagulls. I have looked at various websites and got basically nowhere, any help…

Brewer's: Animals sacred to special Deities

DeityAnimalsTo Apollothe wolf, the griffon, and the crowto Bacchusthe dragon and the pantherto Dianathe stagto Æsculapiusthe serpentto Herculesthe deerto Isisthe heiferto Jupiterthe…

How Plants and Animals Get Energy

A food chain shows how energy passes from one living thing to another. Watch this video to learn how plants and animals get energy from the sun and each other.

Animal Names: Male, Female, and Young

Top of Page Animal names are crucial distinctions in the English language for the creatures that exist across the planet. Whether it’s the best pet names, the terminology for baby farm animals, or…

Can You Name The Marine Animal?

The seven seas are teeming with life, from tiny microbes to massive whales and everything in between. Can you match these marine animal silhouettes to the creatures they belong to?

46 Best Animated Movie Quotes

Top of Page Looking for some inspiration or just a good laugh? Whether you're seeking to overcome adversity, find love, or just enjoy the journey, these animated movie quotes have something for…