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(Encyclopedia) ÇatalhöyükÇatalhöyükchätäalˈhöyükˈ [key] or ÇatalhüyükÇatalhöyük–hü– [key], Neolithic settlement on the Konya Plain in S Turkey that flourished c.6500–c.5800 b.c. The site, first…

caribou, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) caribou, name in North America for the genus (Rangifer) of deer from which the Old World reindeer was originally domesticated. Caribou are found in arctic and subarctic regions. They…


(Encyclopedia) carotenecarotenekârˈətēnˌ [key], long-chained, unsaturated hydrocarbon found as a pigment in many higher plants, particularly carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy vegetables. Carotene is…

bighorn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) bighorn or Rocky Mountain sheep, wild sheep, Ovis canadensis, of W North America, formerly plentiful in mountains from SW Canada to N Mexico. Indiscriminate hunting, disease, and…

Tobias, Philip Valentine

(Encyclopedia) Tobias, Philip Valentine, 1925–2012, South African paleoanthropologist, b. Durban. He graduated from the Univ. of Witwatersrand (Ph.D., 1953) and taught there for five decades. Tobias…


(Encyclopedia) TheodoraTheodorathēədôrˈə [key], d. 548, Byzantine empress. Information about her early career comes from the often-questionable source, the Secret History of Procopius. It appears…


(Encyclopedia) trunkfish, any member of a family of fishes, Ostraciidae, also called boxfishes, that have short triangular bodies covered by firmly united hexagonal bony plates. Only the jaw, the…

porcupine, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) porcupine, member of either of two rodent families, characterized by having some of its hairs modified as bristles, spines, or quills. The quills are loosely attached to the porcupines…


(Encyclopedia) butter, dairy product obtained by churning the fat from milk until it solidifies. In most areas the milk of cows is the basis, but elsewhere that of goats, sheep, and mares has been…

Baskin, Leonard

(Encyclopedia) Baskin, Leonard, 1922–2000, American sculptor, graphic artist, and teacher, b. New Brunswick, N.J. In sculptural and graphic works that are figurative in style, Baskin's images of a…