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animal-rights movement

(Encyclopedia) animal-rights movement, diverse individuals and groups concerned with protecting animals from perceived abuse or misuse. Supporters are specifically concerned with the use of animals…

Brewer's: Age of Animals

An old Celtic rhyme, put into modern English, says: Thrice the age of a dog is that of a horse; Thrice the age of a horse is that of a man; Thrice the age of a man is that of a deer;…

Profiles of Dangerous Animals

These animals are fascinating, but deadly. by David Johnson   Animals Hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and hyenas Elephants, big cats, and Cape buffaloes Scorpions, bears, and…

From buildings to animals

From buildings to animals Slideshows from Tallest Buildings in the World to Moons of our Solar System. Related Links Animal Groups Animal Names: Male, Female, and…

Animals: Pictures and Sounds

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Animals: Animal Pictures & Sounds Field Guides (Click on a type of animal for a list of species) Animal Diversity Web National Zoo…

Brewer's: Animal Spirits

Liveliness and animation arising from physical vigour. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Animals admitted into HeavenAnimal A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Animals, cries of

AnimalCryApesgibberassesbraybeeshumbeetlesdronebearsgrowlbitternsboomblackbirdswhistleblackcapswe speak of the“chick-chick” of the blackcapbullsbellowcanariessing or quavercatsmew, purr,…

Brewer's: Animals (Symbolical)

AnimalAttributesantfrugality and previsionapeuncleannessassstupiditybantam cockpluckiness, priggishnessbatblindnessbearill-temper, uncouthnessbeeindustrybeetleblindnessbullstrength,…

Brewer's: Antipathy, of animals

According to tradition, wolves have a mortal antipathy to scillaroots; geese to the soil of Whitby; snakes to soil of Ireland; cats to dogs; all animals dislike the castoroil plant;…

Disease-Carrying Animals

Animals can carry diseases that are harmful to people. Here is a list of animals and the diseases they may carry.Photographed by Ernie Frank, the TAMU Department of Agricultural…