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Animal Names

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Animals: Animal Names Group Names Animal Congregations, or What Do You Call a Group Of... Animal Terms For: Baby, Male, Female and Group…

Animals Lifespans

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions   Animals: Animal Lifespans   Animal Lifespans: When Zoo Animals Grow Old Animal Lifespans   Animals FAQ…

Animal Alphabets

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Animals: Animal Alphabets See these notes on q, u, x, and z animals from the San Diego Zoo Yellowstone National Park Animal Alphabet Book…

Brewer's: Animal

To go the entire animal, a facetious euphuism for “To go the whole hog.” (See Hog.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Animal SpiritsAnima Mundi A B C D E…

Speed of Animals

Most of the following measurements are for maximum speeds over approximate quarter-mile distances. Exceptions—which are included to give a wide range of animals—are the lion and elephant,…

Poisonous Animals

/* /*]]>*/ There are countless animals in the world, a number of which are poisonous. A good way to tell if an animal is poisonous or not is to look at the colors. If it's colorful, steer clear.…

Plants & Animals

Dinosaur Fossils (By US State!) List of Dinosaurs... By US State! Frequently Asked Questions: Animals Frequently Asked Questions: Animals Frequently Asked Questions: Animals 75-Million-Year-Old…

Fastest Animals

Land mammal: The cheetah can run as fast as 70 m.p.h. Marine mammal: Killer whales can reach speeds of 48 m.p.h. Bird: The peregrine falcon dives at speeds of up to 200 m.p.h. and can fly at a…

The Language of Animals

Have you ever wondered what animals are trying to communicate with their cries? From warning signals to mating calls, animal cries can convey a myriad of meanings. In this quiz, we will test your…