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Displaying 391 - 400

Sports Teams with the Same Names

The Question: I need to know the seven professional sports teams that have the same names, i.e. the Cardinals (NFL Arizona, MLB St. Louis), Rangers (NHL New…

The Twelve Tables of Ancient Rome

The Question: I'm writing a research paper on Roman law and government, and I need information on the Twelve Tables. Can you help me? The Answer…

U.S. President Requirements

The Question: I have been told by several people that if you are born in Washington, DC, you cannot be president. Is this true? How can this be…

W Stands For...

The Question: What is George W. Bush's middle name? The Answer: The much talked about "W." stands for Walker. The name comes from his…

Water, Water Everywhere

The Question: Do you know the percentage of the earth's surface covered by water? The Answer: About 70.8% of the Earth's surface is covered by…

We ARE naming names

The Question: What is the meaning of the name "Hawaii" and the name "Idaho"? The Answer: The origin of the name Hawaii is uncertain. It…

Weight of Statue of Liberty

The Question: How much does the Statue of Liberty weigh? The Answer: Here are the numbers you are looking for regarding the Statue of Liberty (…

Inch to Millimeter Conversion

The Question: I'm an auto mechanic, and I am trying to find a chart for conversion from millimeters to fractions of inch. Can you help? The Answer…

The Largest Countries in Europe

The Question: According to your info Sweden is the fourth largest country in Europe. Which are the three bigger ones? The Answer: Since the…