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Displaying 381 - 390

Phillips Head Screwdriver

The Question: Who is the Phillips head screwdriver named after? Is there really a Phillips? The Answer: There really is a Phillips! Henry F.…

Conrad Bloom

NBC Monday 8:30–9:00 p.m.; canceled Cast: Mark Feuerstein, Linda Lavin, Paula Newsome, Jenica Bergere and Steve Landesberg Madison Avenue ad executive Conrad Bloom (Feuerstein)…

The Devil's Dictionary: Centaur

by Ambrose Bierce CEMETERYCERBERUSCENTAUR -n. One of a race of persons who lived before the division of labor had been carried to such a pitch of differentiation, and who followed the…

Al Capone's Death

The Question: Where did Al Capone die? Was it in jail or after his sentence? The Answer: Al Capone spent the last year of his Alcatraz…

Bahrain's two seas

The Question: Your almanac says the country name "Bahrain" means "two seas." What language is that in, and what two seas does it refer to? The Answer…

Countries in Africa

The Question: How many countries are in Africa? The Answer: There are 47 countries on the African continent, including the disputed territory…

Why does hair turn gray?

The Question: What causes gray hairs to sprout as a person grows older? The Answer: Cells in hair follicles called melanocytes generate melanin…

The Federal Income Tax

The Question: When did the people start paying federal income tax? The Answer: According to the History of the Income Tax in our almanac, the…