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Displaying 371 - 380

Lethal Injection

The Question: What is the drug they use in this country for lethal injections? The Answer: The most common drug is actually a combination of…

Longest running comic

The Question: What is the longest-running comic strip still in print? The Answer: That would be The Katzenjammer Kids, which has been running…

Mattress Sizes

The Question: What are the dimensions of a king-size mattress? The Answer: There are no standards in the mattress industry but the sizes below…

Mayday and SOS

The Question: Why is "mayday" used as a distress signal? What does "SOS" stand for? The Answer: According to our encyclopedia entry on SOS, "…

Million Dollar Bill?

The Question: Is there a million dollar bill? If so, whose picture is on it? The Answer: Sorry to disappoint you, but the largest bill ever…

Muslim Populations

The Question: What is the largest Muslim country of the world? The Answer: If by that you mean, what country has the largest population of…

The Nautical Knot

The Question: I need to know about nautical knots. Before computers, how did sailors measure them? Why are they called "knots" in the first place…

Original State

The Question: The area that is the District of Columbia was originally part of what state? The Answer: Maryland. The District of…

What are the Oscar statuettes made of?

The Question: Are Oscar Awards made of gold? The Answer: Not solid gold, no. Currently, the Academy Award statuettes are made of gold-plated britannium, an alloy that's mostly made of tin.…