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Displaying 331 - 340

Is the Red Sea red?

The Question: Is the Red Sea red? If so, why? The Answer: Of course it's not actually red, but sometimes it appears that way. Located between the East African coast and the Saudi Arabian…

The Size of the Sun and Earth

The Question: What is the size difference between the Sun and Earth? The Answer: The difference is huge. The Sun is by far the largest…

Statue of Liberty's Tablet

The Question: What does it say on the tablet the Statue of Liberty is holding? The Answer: The inscription on the tablet in her left hand reads…

The "Tonton Macoutes"

The Question: I am very curious to find out what the "Tonton Macoutes" was? The Answer: The "Tonton Macoutes" [tonton´ mäk OO t´] was…

World's Biggest Islands

The Question: Where does Ireland rank on the list of the world's largest islands? The Answer: At 32,597 square miles, Ireland ranks 18th in the…

Easy Rider <span class="date" >(1969)</span>

Director: Dennis HopperCast: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson and Karen Black This gutsy, low-budget road film features inspired performances, good writing, expressive camera work…

Great Britain's Longest River

The Question: Could you please settle a disagreement. My friend says that the Tay river in Scotland is the longest river in Great Britain; I say it is the…

How do you pronounce Guy Lafleur?

The Question: Hi, can you tell me how to pronounce Guy Lafleur's name? Is it Guy as in "Hey look at that guy" or as in gee, (Guy Carbonneau of the Stars says…

Invention of the Electromagnet

The Question: Did William Sturgeon invent the electromagnet? And if so why was that important? The Answer: Yes. William Sturgeon (1783-1850)…

King Nebuchadnezzar

The Question: I am searching for "King Nebedkenezer", but I'm uncertain of the spelling. When I search your site everything about kings appeared except what…