
Search results

Displaying 321 - 330

The Size of the Sun and Earth

The Question: What is the size difference between the Sun and Earth? The Answer: The difference is huge. The Sun is by far the largest…

Statue of Liberty's Tablet

The Question: What does it say on the tablet the Statue of Liberty is holding? The Answer: The inscription on the tablet in her left hand reads…

The "Tonton Macoutes"

The Question: I am very curious to find out what the "Tonton Macoutes" was? The Answer: The "Tonton Macoutes" [tonton´ mäk OO t´] was…

World's Biggest Islands

The Question: Where does Ireland rank on the list of the world's largest islands? The Answer: At 32,597 square miles, Ireland ranks 18th in the…

Alligators and crocodiles

The Question: What's the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? The Answer: In general, our advice would be to look at the sign or…

Comparing Country Statistics

The Question: What is the life expectancy in Libya and other North African countries? The Answer: We found the perfect site for researching…

Constantin Stanislavki

The Question: I'm a second-year student in a local college here in Malaysia and I'm currently taking introductory theater as one of my subjects. I'm assigned…

Contacting Chris Carter

The Question: I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to contact (X-Files Executive Producer) Chris Carter or his contact person…