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Displaying 291 - 300

Diamond Grading

The Question: I would like to know how diamonds are graded? The Answer: Diamonds with a color between colorless and yellow receive a letter…

Electoral Votes

The Question: Which state in the Union has the highest number of electoral college votes? The Answer: California. Each state has as…

Ethnic Cleansing

The Question: What's the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide? The Answer: Genocide is the systematic destruction of part or all of…

Football Trophies

The Question: What are the names of the trophies awarded to the the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference champions…

Siamese Cats

The Question: What is the history of Siamese cats? Is there some legend behind them? The Answer: This is what we could find out about Siamese…

Speed of First Flight

The Question: How fast did the original Wright brothers' airplane fly? The Answer: The first successful flight orchestrated by the Wright brothers…

A Tennessee Williams Quotation

The Question: I was just wondering if anyone knows this famous quote or where I can find it: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." I believe…

The Tin Anniversary

The Question: What gift or color signifies a tenth anniversary? (For example, the color representing the 25th anniversary is silver.) The Answer…

Two Yolks, One Egg

The Question: I just cracked an egg and it had two yolks. How does this work? What are the odds of this happening? The Answer: This happens…

A Group of Rhinos

The Question: What is a group of rhinoceroses called? The Answer: We get questions like this a lot. We answer most of them by sending people to…