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Joe Dimaggio's Hitting Streak

The Question: Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak: When did it start? And what date did it end? The Answer: NY Yankees outfielder Joe…

The last digit of pi

The Question: What is the last digit of pi? The Answer: Pi is an irrational number. As such, it has no final digit. Furthermore, there is…

Origin of "pyrrhic victory"

The Question: What is a "pyrrhic victory," and why is it called that? The Answer: A pyrrhic victory is a victory won at too great a cost. The…

Plural of "ox"

The Question: If the plural of "ox" is "oxen," why isn't "foxen" the plural of "fox"? The Answer: According to the American Heritage Book of English Usage, "oxen" is one of only three commonly…


The Question: How do you make a plural out of mother-in-law? The Answer: Think about the noun you are using. Everything after the noun is…

Brewer's: Mahomet

or Mohammed, according to Deutsch, means the Predicted Messiah. (Hag. ii. 7.) It is the titular name taken by Halabi, founder of Islam. (570-632.) Angel of. When Mahomet was transported…

Siamese Cats

The Question: What is the history of Siamese cats? Is there some legend behind them? The Answer: This is what we could find out about Siamese…

Speed of First Flight

The Question: How fast did the original Wright brothers' airplane fly? The Answer: The first successful flight orchestrated by the Wright brothers…

A Tennessee Williams Quotation

The Question: I was just wondering if anyone knows this famous quote or where I can find it: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." I believe…