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Displaying 271 - 280

Computers in Public Schools

The Question: How many computers are there in public schools now as compared to 10 years ago? The Answer: During the 1984-85 school year, there…

Consecutive World Series Sweeps

The Question: What was the first team to win the World Series 4-games-to-0 in consecutive years? The Answer: The New York Yankees were the…

Contact lens history

The Question: When were contact lenses invented? The Answer: The first contact lens was invented in 1887 by A.E. Fick, a Swiss physician. It…

The Fifty-Meter Freestyle

The Question: I'm looking on your site for the winner of the 50-meter freestyle swimming event at the 1984 Olympics, but can't find it. Do you have that information…

First White House baby

The Question: Who was the first baby born to a president's wife in the White House? The Answer: The first baby born to a First Lady in the…

Fortune Cookie History

The Question: When were fortune cookies invented? The Answer: The one point on which there is widespread agreement is that fortune cookies were…


The Question: In the movie Saving Private Ryan, they used the pharse "fubar." Can you please tell me what it means? The Answer: FUBAR is a…

Who invented the scissors?

The Question: My daughter is working on a school project and we want to know invented the scissors? The Answer: The type of scissors that you…

JFK's Pulitzer

The Question: What president wrote a novel that won an award? The Answer: In 1957 John F. Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for his book…