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Displaying 261 - 270

The Fifty-Meter Freestyle

The Question: I'm looking on your site for the winner of the 50-meter freestyle swimming event at the 1984 Olympics, but can't find it. Do you have that information…

First White House baby

The Question: Who was the first baby born to a president's wife in the White House? The Answer: The first baby born to a First Lady in the…

Presidential Age

The Question: Do you have to be 35 to be the president? The Answer: The U.S. Constitution sets out the following requirements for the…

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

The Question: I can't find the war that the phrase "the shot heard 'round the world" refers to? The Answer: That phrase refers to the first…

Single Largest Seed

The Question: What plant produces the single largest seed? The Answer: According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the single-seeded fruit…

Smallest flower

The Question: What's the world's smallest flower? The Answer: The smallest known flowering plants are in the genus Wolffia, which float…

Steuben Glass

The Question: Did Baron Wilhelm Von Steuben have anything to do with the development of Steuben glass? The Answer: Not really. The Steuben…

Time Zone Conversion

The Question: Where could I find information about time zones and what time it would be anywhere else in the world? The Answer: Right here! We'…

Vacation time worldwide

The Question: Do Americans get more or less time off than people in other major countries? The Answer: Less. Much less. The World Tourism…