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Displaying 181 - 190

U.S. Representatives Salaries

The Question: How much do the representatives in the house get paid yearly? The Answer: U.S. representatives made $174,000 in 2011.…

The Weight of Gasoline

The Question: Do you know the weight (lbs) of a gallon of gasoline? A gallon of water? Thank you. The Answer: Thanks for e-mailing Information…

The Weight of Human Skin

The Question: Can you please tell me how much the human skin of a person's body alone weighs? The Answer: The human skin is the body's…

"Funeral Blues"

The Question: In a funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral, a character reads a beautiful poem about the anger at a friend's death. Who is the author…

Legal Terms-"Summary Judgement"

The Question: What is a "summary judgement"? The Answer: A summary judgement is the legal term for a final decision or judgment by the…

The Longest Mountain Range

The Question: What is the longest mountain range in the world? The Answer: The Andes Mountains, which stretch more than 5000 miles through seven South American countries, form the longest…

Consider Other Provisions

Riders are additional provisions that can be added to a policy. Riders might include additional benefits for accidental death; suspending premium payments if you become disabled; or…

1988 Olympic Long-Jump Champ

The Question: Who won the 1988 Olympic gold medal in the women's long jump competition? The Answer: Jackie Joyner-Kersee won the long jump in…