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National Holidays on January 26th

The Question: Which countries celebrate January 26 as a national holiday? The Answer: According to our list of National Holidays Around the…

Ask the Editors: ACT Acronym Meaning

The Question: I searched and found the ACT website, which is what we took in high school. However, the ACT site didn't say what ACT stands for…

Brazilian Flag

The Question: What are the words on the Brazil flag? What do they mean? The Answer: The words on the Brazilian flag are "Ordem e Progresso." That…

Caveat Emptor

The Question: What does "caveat emptor" mean? The Answer: Caveat emptor is Latin for "let the buyer beware." You might like to see our…

Presidential Oath

The Question: What does the president swear to uphold while taking the oath of office? The Answer: The president swears to "preserve,…

Red Shirt

The Question: What is the origin of the term "red shirt freshman?" Why red shirt? The Answer: Freshmen are often allowed to practice but not…

The Speed Limit in the Erie Canal

The Question: What is the speed limit in the Erie Canal and how long does it take to use it? The Answer: The speed limit on the canal is 10 mph…

The Meaning of Darth Vader

The Question: I've been told that Darth Vader's name in Star Wars means something in another language. Is that true? The Answer: According to…

Meaning of R.S.V.P.

The Question: Hello we would like to know what the letters r.s.v.p. stand for. We know what it means, but aren't sure what each letter stands for. Please…