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Displaying 141 - 150

Brewer's: Fox

(The old). Marshal Soult was so nicknamed, from his strategic talents and fertility of resources. (1769-1851.) (See Reynard.) Fox Antipathy to foxes. Speaking of natural antipathies,…

Brewer's: Fifteen decisive Battles

(The), according to Sir E.S. Creasy, were: 1. The battle of MARATHON (Sept., 490 B.C.), when Miltiades, with 10,000 Greeks, defeated 100,000 Persians under Datis and Artaphernes. 2. The…

Sally Ride

The Question: Who was the first U.S. woman in space? The Answer: Sally Ride! -The Editors

Shoelace component

The Question: Is there a name for the plastic covering at the end of a shoelace? The Answer: There's a name for just about everything. In this…


The Question: What does the RSVP stand for when responding back to an invitation? The Answer: Répondez s'il vous plait. Literally, "…

Am and pm

The Question: What do the abbreviations am or pm (as in time) stand for? The Answer: AM is Latin for ante meridiem (before noon). PM is Latin…

The Circumference of the Earth

The Question: What is the circumference of the Earth? The Answer: At the equator, the Earth's circumference is 24,830 miles (40,000 km…

Fear of the Dark

The Question: I'm trying to find the term used for the phobia of the dark, but I can't find it. Is it possible that you can? The Answer: An…

What is a C.V.?

The Question: What does the Latin abbreviation C.V. mean ? The Answer: C.V. stands for Curriculum Vitae. When people refer to a C.V., they are…