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Hayman, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Hayman, Francis, 1708–76, English painter. Influenced by the French rococo style, Hayman painted conversation pieces—landscape scenes peopled by fashionable contemporaries (see…

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

(Encyclopedia) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, vehicular suspension bridge, S Honshu, Japan, across the Akashi Strait, a busy shipping lane, linking the city of Kobe with Awaji Island and part of a link…


(Encyclopedia) luminismluminisml&oomacr;ˈmĭnĭzˌəm [key], American art movement of the 19th cent. Luminism was an outgrowth of the Hudson River school. In its concern for capturing the effects of…

Siddons, Sarah Kemble

(Encyclopedia) Siddons, Sarah Kemble, 1755–1831, English actress. The most distinguished of the famous Kemble family, she had early theatrical experience in her father's traveling company, and at 18…

Lynn Canal

(Encyclopedia) Lynn Canal, natural inlet, c.90 mi (145 km) long, 7–12 mi (11–19 km) wide, SE Alaska. It connects in the S with Chatham Strait and Stephens Passage and thrusts north between mountains…

Franklin and Marshall College

(Encyclopedia) Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster, Pa.; United Church of Christ (Evangelical-Reformed); coeducational; est. 1787 as Franklin College, reorganized 1853 when it merged with…

Brewer's: Ale Knight

(An) A knight of the ale-tub, a tippler, a sot. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Ale-silverAle-draper A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S…

Knight, John S.

publisherBirthplace: Bluefield, W. Va.Born: 1894Died: 1981

Pat Knight Biography

Pat KnightAge: 70 fullback and defensive back with the N.Y. Giants from 1952-55; former NFL official; three-year letter winner at SMU. Died of a heart attack.Died: San Antonio, October 20,…