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Displaying 201 - 210

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act II

Act IIScene IRome. A public placeEnter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the people, Sicinius and Brutus.MeneniusThe augurer tells me we shall have news to-night.BrutusGood or bad?MeneniusNot…

William Shakespeare: Macbeth, Act II

Act IIScene ICourt of Macbeth's castleEnter Banquo, and Fleance bearing a torch before himBanquoHow goes the night, boy?FleanceThe moon is down; I have not heard the clock.BanquoAnd she goes…

Luther Martin: Luther Martin II

Luther Martin IILuther MartinFriday, March 7, 1788by Luther MartinMr. Goddard:Sir, In consequence of the justice I did Mr. Gerry, on a former occasion, I find myself complimented with an…

Convention on the Rights of the Child, Part II

Convention on the Rights of the ChildPart IIArticle 42States Parties undertake to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults…

William Shakespeare: The Tempest, Act II

Act IIScene IAnother part of the islandEnter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, and othersGonzaloBeseech you, sir, be merry; you have cause, So have we all, of joy; for…

William Shakespeare: Othello, Act II

Act IIScene IA Sea-port in Cyprus. An open place near the quayEnter Montano and two GentlemenMontanoWhat from the cape can you discern at sea?First GentlemanNothing at all: it is a…

William Shakespeare: Pericles, Act II

Act IIPrologueEnter GowerGowerHere have you seen a mighty king His child, I wis, to incest bring; A better prince and benign lord, That will prove awful both in deed and word. Be quiet then…

William Shakespeare: Richard II, Act I

Act IScene ILondon. King Richard II's palaceEnter King Richard II, John of Gaunt, with other Nobles and AttendantsKing Richard IIOld John of Gaunt, time-honour'd Lancaster, Hast thou,…

William Shakespeare: Richard II, Act V

Act VScene ILondon. A street leading to the TowerEnter Queen and LadiesQueenThis way the king will come; this is the way To Julius Caesar's ill-erected tower, To whose flint bosom my…