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The Book of Genesis

Genesis Ch. 1: In the beginning God created the heaven… Ch. 2: Thus the heavens and the earth were finished… Ch. 3: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of… Ch. 4: And Adam knew Eve…

The Book of Jeremiah

Jeremiah Ch. 1: The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of… Ch. 2: Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying… Ch. 3: They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go… Ch. 4: If thou…

The Book of Sirach

Sirach Ch. 1: A Prologue made by an uncertain Author… Ch. 2: My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare… Ch. 3: Hear me your father, O children, and do… Ch. 4: My son, defraud not the poor…

How Do Currency Exchanges Work?

How Do I Exchange Currencies? If you ever travel overseas you will want to exchange some of your money for foreign currency. Or be ready to pay for a bill that is listed in something other than US…

Bean Soup in the Senate

The Question: Is it true that the Senate restaurants all serve bean soup everyday? The Answer: Believe it or not, yes. According to the Senate web site,…

Look at These Prices!: Tinkering with Markets

Tinkering with MarketsLook at These Prices!IntroductionLet's Stretch: Elasticity of DemandWhat Determines Elasticity?Tinkering with MarketsThe Price You Gotta Pay Up to now we have been examining…

Ten Tips for Staying Lean

1. Curb calorie density Does fat make you fat? For years, popular diet books assured the chubby masses that a low-fat diet was the key to weight loss. They…

First Federal Obesity Guidelines:

More than Half of All Americans are Too Fat Source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Related Links Guidelines for Healthful EatingExercise GuidelinesDietary Guidelines for AmericansHealth…